What does it mean to be a YOUNG SCHOLAR?
Young Scholars is a pull-out enrichment program for identified highly capable students. Students work with intellectual peers in a rigorous environment of discovery and exploration. The context of the enrichment is literature and science, with an emphasis on vocabulary and the scientific process. The enrichment model allows for multi-age grouping and intellectual peer socialization. Buildings may also accelerate identified highly capable students as appropriate for reading and math.
What does QuEST stand for?
QuEST stands for Quality Experiences to Stimulate Thinking.
QUEST classrooms feature specialized curriculum and instruction for highly capable students. The self-contained QUEST classrooms are differentiated by an increased intellectual rigor, accelerated pacing, an expectation of early content mastery, greater depth, and exploration of content with structured inquiry. Students experience curriculum designed for highly capable learners, which is at least one year above grade level.
What does PAGE mean?
PAGE is the Puyallup School District’s cohort acceleration program for grades 7-8 at selected host schools. PAGE is open only to students identified for the highly capable program by the Multidisciplinary Selection Committee. This program for highly capable students features a higher level of rigor, depth, breadth, and acceleration within a cohort setting. For grades 7-8, selected students participate in one to four PAGE courses: English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics and Science. All PAGE courses feature curriculum compacting, curriculum acceleration, interdisciplinary curriculum, and an emphasis on higher level thinking skills. In addition to the PAGE programming, students will have the opportunity to enroll in fitness and the arts within the junior high program.